
Shandong China Coal Scraper Conveyor Co., Ltd.

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The Fundamentals Of Scraper Conveyors

Date: 2024-05-23     Tag:  Scraper Conveyor Chain Scraper Conveyor Coal Mining Scraper Conveyor Coal Conveyor Conveyor Belt Scraper Scraper Chain Conveyor     Tag:  Browsing volume:489

1. Scraper conveyor has many advantages compared with other transportation machinery: large transport capacity, small height of the body, easy to load, easy to extend or shorten the body, easy to move, strong body, can be used for blasting coal face, can also be used with the coal mining machine and self-moving hydraulic support composed of Chain Scraper Conveyor comprehensive mining face.

2. Disadvantages of Chain Scraper Conveyor: high power consumption, serious wear and tear of chute, high noise, easy to break the chain when improper maintenance and use.

3. The structure of Conveyor Belt Scraper is roughly divided into four parts: head, body, tail and auxiliary equipment.

4. The  Coal Mining Scraper Conveyor head part is also the transmission part of the Conveyor Belt Scraper consists of head frame, motor, coupling, reducer, transmission spindle and Chain Scraper Conveyor sprocket.

5. Scraper conveyor commonly used couplings are as follows: Conveyor Belt Scraper wooden pin coupling, bolt coupling, flexible cylindrical pin coupling, tape coupling, hydraulic coupling.

6. Hydraulic coupler of Coal Mining Scraper Conveyor is the use of liquid to transfer energy of a transmission device, with easy to use, starting torque, can prevent the original mechanical overload and a series of advantages, widely used in mechanical transmission.

7. Liquid coupler is composed of pump wheel, turbine wheel, shell, flexible coupling and so on.

8. The role of fusible alloy protection plug is, when the temperature of the working fluid rises, Coal Mining Scraper Conveyor fusible alloy plug melting, the working fluid from the cavity out of the spray, so that the pump wheel idling, so as to ensure that the original mechanical and other transmission components will not be damaged. Melting point of fusible alloy, generally 100-140 ° C.

9. In the conveyor and other  Coal Mining Scraper Conveyor mechanical equipment in the use of hydraulic coupler advantages are Coal Mining Scraper Conveyor.
(1) smooth starting, saving power, improve starting capacity, improve the starting performance of the motor. (2), with overload protection.
(3) Eliminate the Conveyor Belt Scraper shock and vibration of the working mechanism and reduce the dynamic stress of the working mechanism. (4), in the multi-motor drive system, can make the load distribution of each motor balanced.

10.  Coal Mining Scraper Conveyor accessories include: shovel plate, coal blocking plate, tight chain device, push device, etc. 11 scraper conveyor common failure: the mechanical part: broken scraper conveyor.
Mechanical part: broken scraper chain, floating Scraper Chain Conveyor , bottom groove out of the chain, scraper chain in the head at the rut, reducer heat and sound abnormal, head drive spindle heat, head vibration instability.Electrical parts: insurance fuse, motor can't start, motor stops by itself after starting or not self-protection, Scraper Chain Conveyor motor can't stop, armature vibration sound is too big, motor running sound is abnormal, motor overheating, Scraper Chain Conveyor electrical equipment grounding leakage.

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