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Safety Specification For Belt Conveyors For Coal Mines

Date: 2019-01-03     Tag:  Safety Specification Belt Conveyors Coal Mines     Tag:  Browsing volume:1254

Safety specification for conveyors for coal mines 1 Scope This standard specifies the safety requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, use and maintenance of conveyors for coal mines (hereinafter 'conveyor belts'). This standard is mainly applicable to belt conveyors used in underground coal mines, and also to belt conveyors in workplaces with open-pit coal mines and coal preparations. 

2 Reference standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard by reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid at the time of publication of this standard. All standards will be reviewed and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards. GB3836.1-83 General requirements for explosion-proof electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres GB3836.2-83 Explosion-proof electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres Explosion-proof electrical equipment 'd' GB3836.3-83 Electrical equipment for explosion proof Explosion-Proof Electrical Equipment Explosions Safer Electrical Safety Equipment GB3836.4-83 Explosion-Proof Electrical Equipment for Explosive Environments 'i' Intrinsic Safety Electrical Equipment and Circuit Port / Continuous Loading and Unloading Equipment GB / T13561.3-92 safety regulations belt conveyor MT113-1995 coal mine underground polymer products flame retardant General test antistatic method and judgment rule MT147-1995 Flame retardant antistatic fabric Core conveyor belt for coal mine MT450- 1995 Antistatic and fireproof test method for coal mines Conveyor belt steel plate ZBD93008-90 Underground coal mine mine Technical conveyor conditions Safety regulations for coal mines Ministry of Energy of the People's Republic of China, 19923 definition This standard uses the following definitions. 3.1 Normal working conditions The normal working conditions are the agreed conditions agreed by the parties involved in the use of the conveyor. It is specified by the user and agreed by the manufacturer at the time of placing the order, or as specified by the manufacturer when printing a standard product sample. 3.2 Personnel personnel operate the transporter's personnel and the people who legally can stay nearby. 4 basic requirements of conveyor. The requirements for the safety standards of coal mines will be strictly enforced and will comply with the general safety standards of GB / T13561.3. 4.2 The technical requirements of the conveyor must comply with the provisions of ZBD93008. 4.3 The conditions of use of the transporter must comply with its normal working conditions. For special conveyors, special safety rules will be specified separately. 4.4 Products and equipment of conveyors must comply with the requirements of the safety signals of coal mines. 5 Safety regulations 5.1 The design and manufacturing phase 5.1.1 will guarantee the stability and resistance of the conveyor in all normal working conditions to guarantee the reliability of the work of the conveyor. 5.1.2 On the entire conveyor line, especially at the loading, unloading or transfer points, it must be designed to avoid spillage of the transported material as much as possible and to consider appropriate dust reduction measures. 5.1.3 The transport inclination of the conveyor must fully consider the characteristics of the transport materials, so that the conveyor should not roll or spray under normal working conditions. 5.1.4 The conveyor must use a flame retardant conveyor belt, its safety performance and the technical requirements must comply with the provisions of MT147 and MT450. For non-metallic materials, safety performance must comply with the provisions of MT113. 5.1.5 Conveyor belts should have an adequate transport capacity and the width of the transport material. If necessary, install a guide plate or centering device at the point of loading or unloading. 5.1.6 The engine, electrical control equipment and protection combined with the conveyor must comply with the provisions of GB3836.1 ~ 3836.4, and have the explosion-proof certificate issued by the designated unit. 5.1.7 The maximum surface temperature of any part of the conveyor should not exceed 150 ° C.

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