When choosing a coal mining scraper conveyor to convey powder, granules, and small pieces of material according to the characteristics of the material being conveyed, you can choose the buried coa...
Date:2021-01-25 Browsing volume:929Material enters the roller shell, thereby increasing the radial load and axial load on the bearing seat of the scraper conveyor, causing the bearing to wear quickly, and the roller shell material ...
Date:2021-01-08 Browsing volume:965Check the ropes, mechanical equipment, support rods, etc. used by the coal mining scraper conveyor manufacturer to stop introspection and meet the requirements for use.
Date:2020-12-29 Browsing volume:967By installing two protection devices, a steering switch and a sliding switch, the sliding switch can effectively reduce the possibility of coal mining scraper conveyor failure, reduce downtime, an...
Date:2020-12-22 Browsing volume:1052The conveyor line of the coal mining scraper conveyor is adaptable and flexible. The length of the line depends on the needs, and the coal mining scraper conveyor has low power consumption.
Date:2020-12-15 Browsing volume:880In order to ensure the empty start of the coal mining scraper conveyor, the conveyor should stop feeding before stopping, and the machine can be stopped after the material in the shell is complete...
Date:2020-12-05 Browsing volume:936