The scraper conveyor is like a drive chain, and the precision conveyor chain is also composed of a series of bearings.
Date:2021-08-10 Browsing volume:875The final installation and operation part of the coal mining scraper conveyor manufacturer. The chain of the coal mining scraper conveyor manufacturer should be selected so that the two parallel c...
Date:2021-07-31 Browsing volume:1002The working principle of the buried coal mining scraper conveyor is: the material being conveyed will continuously output the material by the friction between the moving chain scraper and the conv...
Date:2021-07-15 Browsing volume:956The coal mining scraper conveyor is unavoidably damaged during use, and the damage is especially common because of the damage of the coal mining scraper conveyor blades.
Date:2021-06-18 Browsing volume:1006Most of the chain scraper conveyors produced by China Coal Group are used in modern large factories.
Date:2021-06-01 Browsing volume:996The chain link of the chain scraper conveyor is widely used in mining transportation equipment, and the chain link is the core of the normal operation of the entire equipment.
Date:2021-05-14 Browsing volume:982