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Main points of coal mining scraper conveyor management

Date: 2020-04-13     Tag:  coal mining scraper conveyor scraper conveyor     Tag:  Browsing volume:916

Since this year, there have been many accidents of coal mining scraper conveyor. Scraper conveyor are commonly used coal transportation equipment for coal mining and mining. Leaders and operators at all levels are decisive for the management of coal mining scraper conveyor and are decisive for the safety of coal mine production effect.

"Coal Mine Safety Regulations" Article 121 When using a coal mining scraper conveyor for transportation, the following regulations must be observed.

(1) The coal mining scraper conveyor of the coal mining face must be equipped with devices that can send out stop and start signals and communication, and the distance between the signal points should not exceed 15m.      

Key points of management: check whether the voice signal emergency stop device is installed, and the distance should not exceed 15m.

(2) The hydraulic coupling used by the coal mining scraper conveyor must be filled with a prescribed amount of incombustible liquid according to the power transmitted, and frequently checked for leaks. The fusible alloy plug must meet the standard, and a special person is set to check and remove the dirt in the plug; it is strictly prohibited to use non-standard items to replace. 

Key points of management: check whether the fluid coupling is used, the power meets the requirements, inject the appropriate amount of flammable liquid, often check for leakage, install fusible alloy plugs and explosion-proof plugs.

(C) Coal mining scraper conveyor are strictly prohibited from passengers. 

Key points of management: It is strictly forbidden to take people, and it is strictly forbidden to be exchanged with the lessons of blood.

Main points of coal mining scraper conveyor management

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