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Bulk material leakage problem of coal mining scraper conveyor

Date: 2020-06-04     Tag:  coal mining scraper conveyor scraper conveyor     Tag:  Browsing volume:846

We know that problems often occur during the transportation of the coal mining scraper conveyor. Today we will discuss in detail the problem of bulk material leakage among many problems.

During the transportation process, the base belt of the coal mining scraper conveyor mainly bears the pulling force, which plays an important role in its use effect. If the rigidity is small, the conveyor belt of the coal mining scraper conveyor will be laterally deformed, causing the material to be scattered. Generally requires at least 6 core layers. Covering belts should be used for conveyors with large inclination ribs exceeding 70 degrees.

Longitudinal tearing refers to the phenomenon of longitudinal tearing of the conveyor belt of the coal mining scraper conveyor during the operation of the steel cord core high-inclination conveyor, and serious material leakage. Mainly caused by core pulling, misalignment, foreign body scratches, and material jamming. Most of the longitudinal tearing occurs near the blanking opening. The materials that are dropped when loading materials often contain sharp and sharp foreign objects.If foreign objects pierce the conveyor belt, they will fall on the parent or the rack. The pressure on the surface is increasing until it pierces the conveyor belt and causes tearing.

Bulk material leakage problem of coal mining scraper conveyor

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