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Common motor failure of coal mining scraper conveyor

Date: 2020-06-22     Tag:  coal mining scraper conveyor scraper conveyor Coal Conveyor     Tag:  Browsing volume:936

Motor failure is one of the more common types of coal mining scraper conveyor failures. There are three main types of motor startup failure, excessive heat generated by the motor, and abnormal motor sound.

Motor start failure: the main reason may be excessive load of the coal mining scraper conveyor; the chain or some other component has serious jamming; the power supply voltage cannot meet the rated requirements; the line is damaged and the power supply is abnormal; or it may be caused by the mechanical failure of the motor itself start up.

Excessive heat generated by the motor: The main reason is that the motor fan stops or the fins are covered seriously, and the heat dissipation port is blocked; the coal mining scraper conveyor has not stopped for a long time and is in a state of overload for a long time; the machine starts frequently and the starting current is large If the fuse is too large, the motor will work under the starting current for a long time.

The sound of the motor is abnormal: the cause is that the coal mining scraper conveyor is in single-phase operation; the load is too heavy; the terminal is loose, the contact is bad; the bearing is damaged; the coal mining scraper conveyor is crushed.

Coal mining scraper conveyor are generally driven by high-power motors. Once a motor failure occurs, on-site inspection is required to find the cause and eliminate them before starting again. Otherwise, the motor may be burned or the structure of the scraper conveyor may be damaged.

Common motor failure of coal mining scraper conveyor

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