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What are the precautions for the operation of the coal mining scraper conveyor?

Date: 2021-03-22     Tag:  coal mining scraper conveyor scraper conveyor Coal Conveyor     Tag:  Browsing volume:941

What are the precautions for the operation of the coal mining scraper conveyor? Here is an introduction.

⑴At the beginning of the operation, pay attention to the tightness of the scraper chain of the coal mining scraper conveyor. If the chain is loose, the chain should be tightened in time.

⑵Ensure that the chute is straight, and if it is not straight, adjust it in time.

⑶The bending of the coal mining scraper conveyor should be appropriate, and there should be no sharp bends.

⑷The coal mining scraper conveyor can only have 3-50 changes in the vertical direction, and the curvature must be adjusted if it is too large.

⑹During blasting, the transmission parts, cables and switches of the coal mining scraper conveyor must be protected.

⑺ Pay special attention to the vibration of the coupling. In order to ensure good heat dissipation conditions, the floating coal and debris on the coal mining scraper conveyor motor and reducer should be cleaned frequently.

What are the precautions for the operation of the coal mining scraper conveyor?

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