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Measures for improving the performance of scraper chain by chain scraper conveyor

Date: 2019-11-05     Tag:  Scraper Conveyor Chain Scraper Conveyor     Tag:  Browsing volume:961

The chain of the chain scraper conveyor will have fatigue wear and affect the life. Let us introduce the measures to improve the performance of the scraper chain.

(1) Replace the sleeveless roller chain with a sleeve chain or a sleeve roller chain. The specific pressure thus produced is greatly reduced, the wear is greatly reduced, and the life of the chain is prolonged.

(2) Use scroll instead of sliding. When the chain plate is slid on the guide rail and the chain plate is rolled on the guide rail, the power consumption is reduced, and the width life of the link plate is greatly improved.

(3) Surface treatment of hinged parts. Spraying the wear-resistant material on the chain material can significantly improve the wear resistance of the scraper chain.

(4) Cutting in the direction of the metal fiber. The fiber structure of the rolled steel is directional. It has been found that the strength of the material being cut along the direction of the fiber is 10% higher than that of the material in the direction of the vertical fiber, and the expansion of the fine crack can be prevented and the fatigue strength can be improved.

(5) Scraper Conveyor Shot peening. After the squeegee chain is shot blasted, residual compressive stresses are generated on the surface of the chain, which are resistant to shock and fatigue.

Measures for improving the performance of scraper chain by chain scraper conveyor

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