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Chain scraper conveyor plate scraper chain and its selection

Date: 2020-01-31     Tag:  scraper conveyor Chain scraper conveyor scraper chain conveyor     Tag:  Browsing volume:896

Chain scraper conveyor The scraper chain is one of the main working parts in the buried scraper conveyor. Various faults of the scraper conveyor are related to the running state of the scraper chain. Therefore, the material conveying effect has a greater relationship with the choice of the structure type of the scraper chain.

Composition and type of scraper chain of chain scraper conveyor Since the buried scraper conveying chain is dragged in the conveyed material, it is necessary to prevent the conveyed material from squeezing the chain and the parts that should be rotated. The characteristics of the fork chain are that the hinge has a large internal clearance at the fork head of the chain rod, and there are no rollers. Therefore, the material entering the hinge is easy to be excluded. The fork chain consists of a basic link that only plays a traction role and a scraper that completes the scraping operation, also known as a scraper chain. According to the different scrapers that complete the scraping operation, their structural forms are divided into T-shape, V-shape, U-shape, and H-shape, as shown in Figure 1. Fork chains for buried scraper conveyors are widely used in the buried scraper conveyor industry.

Selection of scraper conveyor chain for chain scraper conveyor The scraper chain is a load-bearing traction part of the buried scraper conveyor. Its structure and operating environment have a great impact on the normal transportation of materials. The various faults of the buried scraper conveyor are mostly related to the running state of the scraper chain [3]. It can be said that the normal operation of the scraper chain is the main indicator of the failure of the conveyor. The abnormal operation of the scraper chain will inevitably lead to the operation failure of the conveyor. Properly increase the speed of the scraper chain, reduce the working cross-sectional area, so that the weight per meter of material is reduced; reduce the weight of the scraper chain as much as possible under the premise of ensuring strength; properly reduce the ratio of the working height and width of the machine slot to reduce The tension of the plate chain keeps the chain running efficiently.

Chain scraper conveyor plate scraper chain and its selection

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